Saturday 9 October 2010

Vanila sugar

my computers been taken away by a nerd to be fixed at the moment, so i'm just using a library computer whilst i can.

so heres a quick update. i got a call the other day from the council asking wether i would like to go and meet the head chef of the crown at southwold and look around his kitchens- so ive got that to look forward to. But, until i get a computer back, ill just have to upload quick blogs like this.

i was in the super market the other day and saw the price of vanilla pods- £2-50 for 1! at this price you cant afford to waste them so ive found a way of re-using the vanilla flavour/

after using them, dry them out over night in an airing cupboard and then put them in a bag of sugar for a few weeks. this will give the sugar a slight vanilla taste and scent. obviously the stronger you want the sugar to be, the less sugar you use. its good for making custard because you still get the great vanilla flavour, without the vanilla.

bye for now,
